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Quote from Malcolm in Pearl Harbor

Malcolm: Peanut butter's good, too. Nothing wrong with having peanut butter.
Reese: What?
Malcolm: Just because I'm having ham doesn't mean you have to have ham. Just because we're brothers doesn't mean we have to enjoy the same thing, right?
Reese: Exactly. Everybody's different. It'd be stupid if I tried to force you to like something I liked.
Malcolm: Right. Plus, it wouldn't work anyway. People can't help what they like. That's just the way they're born.
Reese: I know. Like me, I've never liked... ham.
Malcolm: Really? 'Cause maybe if you tried it...
Reese: No. But that's me. I'm not putting it down or anything.
Malcolm: I hear you. There's no... right sandwich. So, um the ABBA thing...
Reese: Should be great.
Malcolm: Yeah, absolutely. Just great. Hey. Have a good snack.
Reese: You, too.

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