Quote from Malcolm in Dirty Magazine
Principal Block: What the hell is this? Malcolm: It's "Car Crash." It's a story for the literary magazine. Principal Block: It's pornography. Malcolm: How is it pornography? Principal Block: "The construction worker yelled out, '[bleep] my [bleep]'." "[bleep] my [bleep]"?! Malcolm: It's supposed to be offensive. That's the whole point of the story. It's a literary device. Principal Block: There's nothing literary about "[bleep] my [bleep]"! Parents don't want their children reading "[bleep] my [bleep]". This school district has a zero tolerance policy on "[bleep] my [bleep]"! Our forefathers did not lay down their lives on San Juan Hill for "[bleep] my [bleep]"! Now, you either kill this story or replace all the dirty words with asterisks. Malcolm: That's just stupid. What's the point of bleeping out words? Everyone knows what they are anyway.