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Quote from Lois in Funeral

Lois: What book report?
Malcolm: I just remembered. I have a big book report due tomorrow and I haven't even started reading it. [to camera] Standard technique: You volunteer a small crime to distract them from looking for the big one.
Lois: So, what's the report on?
Malcolm: A Tale of Two Cities.
Lois: Oh, how many words?
Malcolm: 750.
Lois: Was that on your assignment sheet?
Malcolm: No, it's an addendum.
Lois: When did you get that?
Malcolm: Thursday. I didn't bring it home. That's why I forgot to do the assignment. [to camera] Ooh, nice one.
Lois: Well, I suppose if it's school work...
Malcolm: [to camera] That's the mislead. Wait for the reverse.

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