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Quote from Francis in Funeral

Lois: [on the phone] Look, Francis I guess I get scattered. You know, sometimes I forget what I told you and you're not here so-
Francis: I'm not there because you sent me away. I swear, I'm not even a part of this family anymore.
Lois: Francis, it's very important that you understand that is not true. But I don't have time right now.
Francis: I understand. It's not like it's a matter of life and death. Oh, wait, it is! Anyone else die in the last five minutes I should know about?
Lois: Francis, you wanna know everything that's been happening? Your father mowed the lawn, Reese polished off all the cereal, and I dropped a frying pan on my foot and I got a big black toe. You want me to send a picture? [cutlery clatters] Egg! Cut it out!
Francis: Who is Egg?
Lois: Oh, he's a new boy in the house.
Francis: What?!

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