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Quote from Reese in Funeral

Reese: This thing's an open casket, right?
Malcolm: I think so. Why?
Reese: Because I'm going to stash this with Aunt Helen.
Malcolm: What is that?
Reese: It's a Mighty Man. Mom and Dad had it in their closet for some reason.
Malcolm: It's Dewey's birthday next week. This is his present.
Reese: Oh.
Malcolm: What'd you do to it?
Reese: I stomped on it.
Malcolm: Why would you do that?
Reese: Look, I don't know why I do the things I do. I just know I don't want to get caught. That's why Aunt Helen is getting a new friend.
Malcolm: You're going to bury that with her? You are so dead.
Reese: Hey, I watch lawyer shows. Mom will think I did it but she can't prove it without this. It's in the Constitution: No evidence, no conviction. E pluribus unum.

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