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Quote from Malcolm in Clip Show

Dr. Kennedy: What about you, Malcolm? What's your place in the family?
Malcolm: I dunno, I'm the middle one.
Dr. Kennedy: Well, really think about it. How do you fit in with this family?
Malcolm: Well, I...
Dr. Kennedy: Go ahead.
Malcolm: Well, I guess I... don't. I don't fit in. I mean, honestly, sometimes I feel I've just been dropped into this family from outer space.
Dr. Kennedy: Well, that's interesting. Now, how-
Reese: Well, he's the one that fixes everything.
Malcolm: What?
Dewey: Yeah, he's the one that figures everything out and solves a lot of our problems.
Reese: Yeah, kinda like that gay kid with the scarf in Scooby Doo. The leader.

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