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Quote from Ida in Christmas

[After Francis repeatedly opens the Christmas card so "Jingle Bells" plays, Ida snaps and stabs him in the thigh with her knitting needle]
Francis: Ow! God, what the hell's wrong with you?!
Ida: You like pushing me? That's what happens when you push me, tough guy!
Francis: Can't you do the entire family a favor and just die! All you have ever done is treat us like dirt. You shouldn't even be allowed to be a Grandma!
Ida: Are you finished?
Francis: Yes, I am- [Ida pokes Francis's wound] Argh, God!
Ida: Oh, I am so sorry! I should've kissed your boo-boos and made 'em better. I was supposed to tell the bad little boy stories and bake you giant sugar cookies and knit you fluffy sweaters, I should have carried you and held you, and told you how much I loved your diapers.
Francis: Why don't you just unhinge your jaw and finish me off?
Ida: After Magnum P.I.

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