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Quote from Spangler in Shame

Spangler: Perhaps her name is Mary or Wendy, or Becky Lou. It doesn't matter because her real name is disease. [changes slide] [boys laugh] Isn't so pretty anymore, is she, boys? Chancres... lesions... furuncles... Such is the pri- Why, these aren't the proper slides. [a slide shows Francis picking his nose] Some hooligan has switched them. [another slide shows Francis picking his nose] This is obviously some ingenious scheme to humiliate me. [another slide shows Francis inspecting the result] I find myself... [a slide shows Francis scratching his butt at the urinal] so overcome with embarrassment I can't stop clicking. Although there's probably one in here of a cadet who thinks he's all alone, and... [Francis pulls the plug] Well, technical difficulties. We will resume the lecture with the proper slides at 0800 tomorrow. Gentlemen. [to Francis] Remember, son, a good soldier always checks the chamber.

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