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Quote from Abe in Hal Grieves

Lois: Abe, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I'm not sure-
Abe: Lois, do you know what it cost me to get Leonard Nimoy's private number? Ferengi noses don't grow on trees.
Lois: Let's just-
Abe: It's ringing!
Man: [on phone] Hello?
Abe: Mr. Nimoy?
Man: This is he.
Abe: We apologize for disturbing an important man like yourself. But my friend's father just died, and he could use some sage advice from a learned actor-director-poet-photographer-vocalist. I'm sorry, but in Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan, was Ricardo Montalban the gentlemen he seems to be? Because a little birdy told me-
Lois: Abe!
Man: I'd be happy to help your friend. It's very sad when a man loses his father. I've been through loss myself.
Lois: Oh, that's very kind of you, Mr. Nimoy. I'm his wife.
Man: So will this be charged to your credit card?
Lois: What?
Man: Well, that's eight dollars a minute for the Nimoy, and for another five, I'll leave an outgoing message on your answering machine as... [imitates Bob Hope] Mr. Bob Hope! How about that Brooke Shields? She's got legs that go all the way down to the ground that I've got to tell you...
Abe: Nimoy's Bob Hope is great. Is there nothing the man can't do?

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