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Quote from Jessica in Secret Boyfriend

Malcolm: [on the phone] Look, Vicki... I know, I know, but It's a school dance, so my being there shouldn't be an issue. No, no, I know. Of course it'll fool everybody. But I just think it's kind of weird that you got me a date. I don't even like Cindy that much and, you know, I want to be with- [Jessica grabs the phone and hangs up] What'd you do that for?
Jessica: Consider this an intervention, Malcolm. I'm declaring you incompetent to run your own love life.
Malcolm: What are you talking about? Vicki and I have this incredible relationship. There are worlds inside that I have yet to discover. And I know she feels the same way about me.
Jessica: Really? Is that why she threw a soda can at you?
Malcolm: That was my fault. I wasn't supposed to be in the quad.
Jessica: Malcolm, you deserve better. I mean, there are lots of girls who'd be proud to actually be seen with you in public.
Malcolm: Oh, really? Like who?
Jessica: Like me.
Malcolm: What? But... But all we do is fight all the time.
Jessica: Figure it out, genius.

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