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Quote from Hal in Ida's Dance

Hal: Did you get it?
Reese: Oh, yeah. Exhumed Maniac. The guy at the video store said it even creeped him out, and he's an albino.
Hal: Oh, I love scary movies. There's nothing so primal as a man coming face-to-face with what really terrifies him. We'll keep this a secret from your mother.
Reese: Got it.
Hal: There's commercials she won't let me watch.
Reese: Well, she's gone for five days, we can have a film festival.
Hal: Now, the thing about horror films is that it's always what they don't show that's scary, because nothing on the screen can ever be as truly frightening as what we imagine. [screams]
Reese: I'm glad they shoved that guy's skin down his throat. I didn't think he'd ever stop screaming.

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