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Trilogy Time

‘Trilogy Time’

Season 7, Episode 20 -  Aired April 9, 2012

Ted, Marshall and Barney continue their tradition of getting together every three years to watch the Star Wars trilogy and imagine what their lives will be like in another three years. Meanwhile, Barney and Quinn move in together.

Quote from Barney

[flashback to Ted and Marshall going to Barney's apartment in 2009:]
Ted: Oh. You're back from decoupage.
Barney: [naked, dripping with sweat] What's decoupage? Oh, uh, yeah, I took that cab there that one time. Hold on. [returns suited-up] Come on in.
Ted: We were hoping we could watch the trilogy here.
Barney: Uh, sure. But, uh... first go look out my, uh, bedroom window. There's a, uh... naked lady, uh... jumping up and down on a mini-trampoline in the apartment across the, uh... street.
Robin: [in Storm Trooper costume][ Get me out of this thing!
Barney: There's no time!
Robin: Barney, I am not ready for them to find out about us.
Barney: Then you're gonna have to stay in there for the entire trilogy. Don't worry. It's only 382 minutes.
Robin: Nerd!


Quote from Barney

[flashback to 2009:]
Ted: So, where do you guys think we'll be in three years? It'll be 2012.
Barney: That's an easy one.
[fantasy scene of 2012:]
Barney: Guys, this is Sophia. You'll be seeing a lot more of...
[in 2009, a lamp smashes in Barney's apartment:]
Marshall: Okay, that is so weird. I was just trying to use the force. Do you think instead of making a beer fly out of the fridge, I made that lamp break?
Ted: Either that or the stormtrooper did it.
Barney: [laughs] Oh, the stormtrooper would never do that. He knows that lamp costs $1,200.

Quote from Barney

[flashback to 2009:]
Barney: Anyway, while it's just us guys, We've all had that same fantasy about having sex with a girl in a stormtrooper costume, right?
Ted: Mmm, no.
Marshall: Never.
Barney: Guys, come on, no girls around, just us bros. Safe space. Let's stop being polite and start gettin' real. Stormtrooper fantasy. Every guy's had that one, right?
Ted: Not even once, no.
Marshall: No, no, no.
Barney: So I'm the weird one?
Both: Yeah.
[The Stormtrooper nods]

Quote from Ted

[flashback to 2009:]
Marshall: How about you, Ted? How's your life gonna be different in three years?
Ted: Oh, you know, the usual. Gonna meet a nice girl and get married. I mean, I know I say that every year, but... let's be honest, in 2012, I'll be 34. If it still hasn't happened for me by then, something is seriously wrong with me!
All: [laugh]
Ted: Something is seriously wrong with me.

Quote from Ted

Ted: I can't do this anymore. I can't keep smiling and being optimistic all the time when all the evidence points to the contrary.
Marshall: You really think that three years from now things aren't gonna be awesome?
Ted: I'll tell you what things are gonna be like three years from now.
[fantasy scene, in 2015 a balding Ted is on the phone in his apartment surrounded by newspapers and tins:]
Ted: Uh, yes, hello. I see on my frozen entree for one they printed this number where I can voice comments and concerns. Well, there's more cinnamon in the cobbler than usual. No, I like cinnamon. Oh, you're very welcome
for my comment. Wait! Uh, don't go. Um... do you like cinnamon? Hello? Hello?

Quote from Ted

[fantasy scene in 2015, a balding Ted phones Marshall from his cluttered apartment:]
Ted: Marshall, you want to watch Star Wars?
Marshall: No, can do, old bean! You see, we're up on the Cape living the idyllic family lifestyle that you've always dreamed of.
Lily: Oh, and I'm pregnant with baby #5!
Ted: But baby #4 isn't even out yet.
Marshall: I'm just that good! Oh, oh, hold on. There's somebody wants to say hello to you.
Robin: Hey, Ted. I just wanted to say that things are great, and I'm married to that douchey guy in the trucker hat.
Trey: Whassup, bra?
Robin: It turns out it was just you I didn't want to commit to. Oh, and I got back boobs. So things are great! Buh-bye!

Quote from Barney

[fantasy scene in 2015, a balding Ted is surrounded by newspapers and tins in his cluttered apartment:]
Barney: By the way, Ted, this is Melanie. You'll be seeing a lot more of Melanie.
Barney: Wait-wait- Wait a minute! Who is Melanie?
Ted: Come on, Barney, if there's one thing I can count on not to change, it's you walking in with some random girl on your arm.
Barney: No. No, I don't want that. For the first time in my life, I don't want to find myself in three years with some random girl, no matter how many boobs she has. I want to be with Quinn. Guys, you're gonna be seeing
a lot more of Quinn.
Marshall: Dude, we've been to the Lusty Leopard. We've seen plenty.
Barney: I kind of walked into that one. All right, bye-bye.

Quote from Barney

Quinn: What are you doing?
Barney: We're living together, I'm excited about it, and I'm getting rid of my mugs. [smashes mug]
Quinn: That was mine.
Barney: Sorry. I don't know which are which. Truth is, I never drink coffee at home. This one?
Quinn: Mm-hmm.
Barney: [smashes mug] There! I don't need my coffee mugs 'cause I got yours! For the rest of my life. Or as... long as you'll have me. We haven't really talked about the future. Did I make things awkward?
Quinn: Just keep smashing mugs. Or donate them.
Barney: Point is, I plan on being with you for a long time. You okay with that?
Quinn: [smashes mug] Sounds great.

Quote from Barney

Barney: Ooh.. Oh! I am so sorry.
Quinn: No, no, it's great. A guy has to be the first one to let 'er rip. I was actually hoping this would happen soon. I've been crop-dusting the patio for weeks.
Barney: The patio! I've been going out on the street, like, exactly this time every night.
[across the street:]
Chester: Where are you, blond man?! Show yourself!
Woman: I will be at my mother's.

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