Barney Quote #1512

Quote from Barney in Noretta

Future Ted: [v.o.] So, later that night, Barney and Nora went skating.
Barney: Hey, kid, you know how your mom won't let you have ice cream till after dinner? But then the waiting kind of makes it taste better? Well, I've been waiting two months for that bowl of ice cream. And tonight, I'm gonna have sex with it.


 ‘Noretta’ Quotes

Quote from Lily

Marshall: Okay, game play. Roll the die to see who goes first, forfeit a turn on a pass, intended for two-to-six players.
Future Ted: [v.o.] As Marshall explained the many rules of Chutes and Lilies, Lily thought back to what Kevin said in the bar.
[flashback to the gang at MacLaren's:]
Kevin: It's perfectly normal to wind up with someone like your parents.
Future Ted: And then she thought of the only other man she knew who loved board games that much.
[alternating flashbacks between Mickey and Marshall:]
Mickey: I brought Diseases!
Marshall: Marshgammon.
Mickey: Dog Fight Promoter!
Marshall: Lilial Pursuit.
[fantasy, Lily sees her father when she looks at Marshall:]
Marshall: And that's how you play the game. Oh, wait. I forgot to tell you what happens if I land on "community chest." Honk-honk. [laughs]

Quote from Barney

Barney: If it's any consolation, the, uh, the guy stole my Wall Street Journal once. So guess the world's kind of a better place without... Oh, God, this night's ruined.
Nora: Oh, come here, you. [hugs Barney] Yes, it's been a very tough night, but I still think we can turn this around.
Barney: Really?
Nora: Why not? No sense in letting things get us down. How does that song go again? [singing] Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
[alternating between Nora and flashbacks to Loretta singing to Barney as a kid:]
Loretta: [singing] Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Nora: Brown paper packages tied up with strings
Loretta: These are a few of my favorite things
Nora: When the dog bites
Loretta: When the bee stings
Both: When I'm feeling sad
Nora: I simply remember my favorite things [Barney pictures Loretta] And then I don't feel so bad.
Barney: Mommy, no.

Quote from Lily

Lily: Ugh! This baby is making it so I can't button my pants anymore.
Marshall: Big whoop. In 55 years, I don't think my dad buttoned his pants even once.
Lily: And somehow, despite sweet talk like that, I don't feel sexy anymore.
Marshall: Are you kidding? I mean, you're- you're even sexier now that you're rounding out. [Robin grimaces] I mean, you're even more sexy simply because there's so much more of you. [all grimace]
Lily: I'm never gonna get in the mood while your mammoth Eriksen seed is muffin-topping the bodiddly out of me.