Marshall Quote #55
Quote from Marshall in The Wedding
Ted: I did it. I did it. I'm taking her to the wedding.
Lily: Nice.
Marshall: What? How?
Ted: I talked to Stuart.
Marshall: Oh, you went around the bride. "Oh, this hornet's nest looks harmless. Maybe I'll poke it with a stick. Oh, look, some gremlins, let me go feed them after midnight."
How I Met Your Mother Quotes
‘The Wedding’ Quotes
Quote from Lily
Lily: Claudia is getting married tomorrow and so help me God, if I catch you even so much as breathing the same air as her, I will take those peanuts you try to pass off as testicles and I will squeeze them so hard your eyes pop out and then I'll feed them to you like grapes.
Barney: Wait, my eyes or my testicles?
Lily: One of each.
Barney: All right, all right.
Quote from Future Ted
Future Ted: [v.o.] When you're single and your friends start to get married, every wedding invitation presents a strange moment of self-evaluation. Will you be bringing a guest or will you be attending alone? What it's really asking is: where do you see yourself in three months? Sitting next to your girlfriend or hitting on a bridesmaid? I always checked that I was bringing a guest. I was an optimist.
Quote from Barney
Ted: [on the phone] Who the hell am I gonna bring to this wedding?
Barney: Ted, have you ignored all my teachings?
Ted: For the most part, yeah.
Barney: You don't bring a date to a wedding. That's like bringing a deer carcass on a hunting trip. Oh, Ted. Oh, Ted. No, no date.
Ted: Deer carcass, really? That's the metaphor you're going for?
Barney: Ted, it's a simile.