Barney Quote #32
Quote from Barney in Sweet Taste of Liberty
Barney: Did you hear that, Ted? Dana works security at the Liberty Bell.
Dana: I do okay.
Barney: Wow, it must be really well cornered off over there. You ever go behind the rope and touch it?
Dana: Only all the time.
Barney: Ever, like, stick your head inside it?
Dana: Yeah.
Barney: Did you ever lick it?
Dana: Nope, I have never licked it.
Barney: Hmm... I bet nobody in history has ever licked the Liberty Bell! If someone were to pull that off I dare say it would be... what's the word?
Ted: Well, this is my stop.
Barney: Legendary, Ted. Legendary!
Features in the collection: Barney Stinson: Legendary.
How I Met Your Mother Quotes
‘Barney Stinson: Legendary’
Quote from Barney in How Lily Stole Christmas
Robin: You have to go home and get to bed.
Barney: Oh, Robin, my simple friend from the untamed north, let me tell you about a little thing I like to call mind over body. You see, whenever I start feeling sick, I just stop being sick and be awesome instead. True story. Yeah, in two minutes, I'm going to pound a sixer of Red Bull, hop in a cab, play a couple of hours of laser tag, maybe get a spray-on tan. It's gonna be legen... Wait for it... [Barney falls asleep]
Quote from Barney in Sweet Taste of Liberty
Barney: We're going to Sascha's.
Ted: Who the hell is Sascha?
Barney: Sascha. [points to security woman] She's having friends over for drinks at her house. It's gonna be legen- wait for it, and I hope you're not lactose intolerant 'cause the second half of that word is -dairy!
‘Sweet Taste of Liberty’ Quotes
Quote from Barney
Barney: We're going to Sascha's.
Ted: Who the hell is Sascha?
Barney: Sascha. [points to security woman] She's having friends over for drinks at her house. It's gonna be legen- wait for it, and I hope you're not lactose intolerant 'cause the second half of that word is -dairy!
Quote from Barney
Ted: Why do you have those suitcases, and who are we picking up?
Barney: I don't know. Maybe her? Or her.
Ted: Wait, so when you said you were going to "Pick someone up at the airport". You meant you were going to "pick someone up" at the airport.
Barney: [winks] Scenario. Couple of girls fly into town, looking for a fun weekend in NYC when they meet two handsome international business men just back from a lucrative trip to Japan. Sample dialogue, "You have a wheelie bag? Wh- I have a wheelie bag!"
Ted: You've gotta be kidding me.
Barney: False. Sidebar, tuck in your shirt. You look sketchy.
Ted: I'm sketchy?
Barney: Trust me, it's going to be legendary.
Ted: Don't say "legendary", okay? You're too liberal with the word legendary.
Barney: We're building an igloo in Central Park. It's gonna be legendary. Snow suit up!
Quote from Barney
Barney: [on the phone] MacLaren's is bore, snore. Ted, tonight we're going to go out. We're going to meet some ladies. It's going to be legendary. Phone-five! [high-fives the phone]
Future Ted: [v.o.] I had no idea why I hung out with Barney.
Barney: You didn't phone-five did you? I know when you don't phone-five, Ted.