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Quote from Barney in Vesuvius

Barney: The only question is, which of these other suits do I pick? There are so many great ones to choose from.
Ted: Well, how about this one?
Barney: Yes, yes, that's the one. Oh, hey, quick question, is it weird to get married in a suit that you may have worn while banging a female rodeo clown? I know what you're wondering. Yes, the carpet matched the drapes.
Ted: Of course that's weird, every part of it is. Uh, what about this suit?
Barney: Ha, ha. Let's just say I stuffed a lot of bunnies in that suit.
Ted: Barney, do you have to phrase it that way?
Barney: Actual bunnies, Ted. This is my magic suit. Get your mind out of the gutter. Though I did once wear it to the Playboy holiday party and, uh... Ha, ha, let's just say I stuffed a lot of bunnies in that suit.

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