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Quote from Barney in No Tomorrow

Ted: The whole do bad, good things happen... Ashlee is married.
Barney: So?
Ted: What do you mean, so?
Barney: Open your brain tank, brah, 'cause here comes some premium 91 octane knowledge. There's three rules of cheating: It's not cheating if you're not the one who's married, it's not cheating if her name has two adjacent vowels, and it's not cheating if she's from a different area code. You're fine on all three counts.
Ted: How do you know she's from a different area code?
Barney: She's 516. She might dress like she's 718, act like she's 212, but trust me, she's 516. Oh, and her husband, letting her out alone on Saint Patty's Day? If that dude's not 973, I'm 307. Wyoming.

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