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Quote from Robin in Return of the Shirt

Henry: (on TV) But the most exciting moment, that would have to be this one, right now.
Robin: What?
Henry: Look at me, I'm on TV. I never thought I'd have my story told. Thank you, Miss Robin Scherbatsky. Thank you.
Future Ted: [v.o.] And right then, Aunt Robin realized how important her job truly was.
Robin: It's an honor to tell your story, Henry. You know, Metro News One may not be number one in viewership. But this reporter takes pride in... [trips and falls] Whoa! Oh! Oh, my God! I'm covered in horse crap! It's in my hair! Oh my, ow! Ow my knee.
Marshall: You planned that?
Barney: No, Marshall. That was beyond my wildest dreams.

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