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Quote from Barney in Gary Blauman

Barney: What that guy did to me... Oh, God, it makes me furious to this day. Okay, okay, I am going to try and tell this story without completely losing it. Ready? Okay, here goes. I was at the... [growling] Nope, not gonna happen. Give me a second. [punches wall] I was at the bar.
Gary Blauman: Hey, Barney.
Barney: What's up, Blauman? Have a seat.
Gary Blauman: Oh, thanks.
Carl: Your fries. You need anything?
Gary Blauman: I'm good. Thanks.
Barney: Oh, but he was not "good, thanks." He was not "good, thanks" at all.
Lily: Oh, what, did he take one of your fries?
Barney: "Take one"? Take one? It would've been one thing if he took one of my fries. One thing. No, Lily, that day Blauman took [grunts]... four of my fries. But that's not even the capper. Here's the part that still keeps me up at night. The fourth fry he took... The fourth fry he took... [sputtering]
Ted: Buddy. Buddy, you okay?
Barney: Mm, mm. Mm. The fourth fry he took... was an accidental curly.

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