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Quote from Lily in Sunrise

Future Ted: [v.o.] The truth is, there was a ghost in that room. You see, minutes earlier, Marshall had been in the middle of the worst fight of his marriage, when all of sudden, Lily stormed out.
Marshall: Damn it, Lily. This is so unfair.
Ghost Lily: I know! Storming out in the middle of an argument? So childish!
Marshall: Thank you, Ghost Lily. I'm glad at least you see it that way.
Ghost Lily: Although, let's be honest, I did you a favor. You were gonna lose.
Marshall: I... what? I was gonna lose? Uh, check your spectral scorecard, Ghost Lily. I had you on the ropes. That's why you ran out.
Ghost Lily: I ran out because you brought up San Francisco.
Marshall: It was a valid point.
Ghost Lily: It's ancient history. If you're mad at anyone, you're mad at 2006 Lily.
Marshall: Well, I can't very well have an argument with 2006...
2006 Lily: [as Borat:] Is nice! [normal voice:] Do people still say that?

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