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Quote from Barney in The Rehearsal Dinner

Barney: Why is it so cold in here? You trying to get me to talk or something?
Security Guard: Not really. In fact, if you could just sit there quietly...
Barney: Fine, I'll talk. It all started a few months ago, when I had the most awesome idea ever.
[flashback to a few months ago:]
Barney: Laser tag rehearsal dinner!
Ted: That might be the worst idea you've ever had, which is saying a lot.
Barney: Name one bad idea I've ever had.
Lily: Gluten-free edible panties.
Marshall: Hot dog on a stick on a bun.
Ted: Inflatable sex toy life raft.
Lily: The Breast Augmentation Channel.
Robin: Single malt scotch tape.
Marshall: The time you ran for mayor.
Barney: I still have 12,000 buttons that say, "The only poll I care about is in my pants."

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