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Quote from Ted in The Stamp Tramp

Lily: Wait, that's the giant suit Marshall wore on our third date.
[on tape:]
Ted: So, Marshall Eriksen, you just came back from your third date with Lily. How was it?
Marshall: Great, yeah. I just... I think I'm falling for this girl pretty hard. But is everything happening too fast? I mean, maybe I should see other people.
Ted: Whoa, dude, no! Lily Aldrin is special. You hold on to that girl.
Marshall: She is. I'm only 18 and...
Ted: Marshall, you being 18 isn't a bad thing. It just means you get to spend even more of your life with her. I mean, I'm probably not gonna meet my wife until I'm, like, 23.
Marshall: You're right. What am I thinking? I'm in love with this girl.
Lily: Ted, oh, my God. You gave me the ultimate stamp. And in my whole life, this life... it all goes back to that moment.
[on tape:]
Ted: I mean, maybe take a month off, bang a couple chicks. Lily's not going anywhere.

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