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Quote from Lily in The Burning Beekeeper

Lily: Dad, we need to talk.
Mickey: Is it about the bees?
Marshall: Bees?
Lily: We're throwing a housewarming party in two weeks.
Mickey: Oh.
Lily: It's gonna be friends, neighbors...
Marshall: Did he say... Did he say "bees"?
Lily: Yeah. Marshall's been working very long hours lately, so I have been planning this whole party by myself, and everything's in place: the food, the wine. I even found a rare Gouda on the Internet.
Marshall: Oh. Getting back to these bees...
Lily: Bottom line: this party is very important to me, so I can only assume - and I say this with love - you're gonna ruin it.
Mickey: Lily, I promise I won't ruin your party. I'll be charming and convivial. A regular Burt Reynolds. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.

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