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Quote from Barney in Noretta

Barney: If it's any consolation, the, uh, the guy stole my Wall Street Journal once. So guess the world's kind of a better place without... Oh, God, this night's ruined.
Nora: Oh, come here, you. [hugs Barney] Yes, it's been a very tough night, but I still think we can turn this around.
Barney: Really?
Nora: Why not? No sense in letting things get us down. How does that song go again? [singing] Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
[alternating between Nora and flashbacks to Loretta singing to Barney as a kid:]
Loretta: [singing] Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Nora: Brown paper packages tied up with strings
Loretta: These are a few of my favorite things
Nora: When the dog bites
Loretta: When the bee stings
Both: When I'm feeling sad
Nora: I simply remember my favorite things [Barney pictures Loretta] And then I don't feel so bad.
Barney: Mommy, no.

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