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Quote from Robin in The Stinson Missile Crisis

Robin: I can't believe I'm talking to a therapist. Well, usually, I'm not the touchy-feely, talk-about-your-emotions type, but with this, I just had to be a big enough person to admit that I need help. Huh. I guess this is what growing up feels like.
Kevin: This is court-mandated therapy. You assaulted a woman.
Robin: Oh ,that silly thing. I guess we can talk about that. It all began a few months ago. There's this guy, Barney. We used to date. I set him up with this girl I work with, Nora. Barney was working hard to prove he was
real boyfriend material. So, all week, I had to sit there watching him, send flowers, chocolates, balloons. Then one day...
[flashback to Robin at work:]
Robin: Hey, I heard Barney didn't send anything today. Patrice said maybe he met somebody else. She's such
a bitch, right?
Barney: [singing] When a man loves a woman Can't keep his mind on nothin' else
Patrice: He's so dreamy.
Robin: Nobody asked you, Patrice!

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