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The Quote

Quote from Robin in The Best Man

Robin: God, will you look at that guy. [high-pitched voice] I wish Barney were my boyfriend again. No, thanks.
Lily: Wait a minute. That's your truth voice.
Robin: My what?
Lily: Whenever you're trying to pass something off as a joke but it's actually profoundly true, you use that voice.
[flashback to Lily and Robin watching TV:]
Robin: [high-pitched voice] I wish the Spice Girls would get back together. They were awesome. [normal voice] The worst.
[flashback to the gang at MacLaren's smelling a fart:]
Robin: [high-pitched voice] That was me. I totally cut one. [laughs] That guy.
[flashback to the gang in the apartment:]
Robin: Birthday present from my dad. [high-pitched voice] All I really want is for him to tell me that he loves me. [normal voice] Just kidding. This pen's enough. [high-pitched] It's not enough. [normal] It's totally enough.
Lily: Oh, my God. You still have feelings for Barney.

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