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Quote from Ted in Girls Vs. Suits

Ted: Look, Cindy, I know the university rulebook says we can't date. But it also says, "Don't teach drunk," and I do that all the time. The point is, I like you. I do. You're sweet, you're funny. You're writing a dissertation entitled "Foreign Direct Investment and Inter-generational Linkages in Consumption Behavior." I mean, that is hot. I know this sounds crazy, but I feel like our paths are supposed to cross somehow. And I don't want to miss out
on knowing you.
Cindy: I don't want to miss out on knowing you, either.
Ted: Look, I got to tell you, I mean, just from looking around your room, I can tell we have a ton in common.
Cindy: Really?
Ted: The Unicorns, Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone? I have never met anyone else who has this album.
Cindy: That's my roommate's. I borrowed it.
Ted: Oh. Well, well, what about this? World's End by T.C. Boyle?
Cindy: That was a birthday gift from my roommate. Haven't checked it out yet.
Ted: Oh. Oh, you should. It's a good read. What about this? This is ridiculous. You play bass? Seriously, ask my friends. I always say, " My ideal woman... does not play bass," because this is clearly your roommate's.
Cindy: She's in a band.
Ted: Damn, that's cool.
Cindy: This is unbelievable. You just picked out the only three things in here that are my roommate's.
Ted: So, does your roommate's band ever play shows, or...
Cindy: Get out.

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