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To Build or Not to Build

‘To Build or Not to Build’

Season 2, Episode 23 -  Aired May 5, 1993

Tim encourages the boys to make Jill's Mother's Day presents this year. Meanwhile, Wilson's mother comes to town, and Tool Time pays tribute to mothers.

Quote from Randy

Jill: What's your father doing out there now?
Brad: He's working on Randy's project.
Randy: Hey, shut up, Brad.
Jill: Hey. Randy, why is your father working on your project?
Randy: I don't know.
Jill: Randy...
Randy: Mom, I'm not good at building things. I don't care about tools.
Jill: Well, then why did you decide to build me something?
Randy: I didn't. Dad said I had to.


Quote from Tim

Jill: Tim, let me in.
Tim: [o.s.] What's the secret grunt?
Jill: Let me in now.
Tim: Close enough.

Quote from Jill

Jill: Why are you building Randy's Mother's Day gift?
Tim: I'm not. I'm just showing him the next step.
Jill: He's not in the room, Tim.
Tim: All right, all right. He wasn't concentrating out here.
Jill: Well, maybe he's not interested in building stuff.
Tim: All my boys are interested in building stuff.
Jill: No. Randy's different. You know? He likes performing, ventriloquism, magic...
Tim: He could build this.
Jill: Tim, you're still not getting this. I want the boys to give me stuff that shows their feelings for me.
Tim: What are you gonna do with a broomstick and a pointy hat? [laughs]
Jill: I'm laughing on the inside, Tim. Now, look, I have faith in my boys... that they will pick the perfect gift on their own.

Quote from Brad

Jill: You all look like such little gentlemen. You're so clean and well-groomed.
Brad: Mom, you don't have to rub it in.

Quote from Randy

Tim: Prepare to be amazed... by the Great Randini!
Jill: Bravo!
Brad: Bravo! Bravo!
Randy: Thank you, thank you. And you all know my assistant, Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor.
Jill: And a lovely assistant he is too. Yes.
Randy: After I lock my assistant in the trunk, he will then disappear. Oops. What's this? [removes skeleton] Oh, sorry. That's my last assistant.
Tim: Boy, I tell you, you look a foot short. Close the lid!
Randy: Brad, you wanna help me out here?
Brad: OK.
Tim: Please observe that there are no holes of any kind, except in my assistant's head. Abracadabra. [opens chest] Ta-da!
Jill: I am amazed and astonished.

Quote from Randy

Randy: Now I shall make him reappear.
Jill: Oh, what is your hurry?
Randy: Abracadabra. Don't stand near. Now my father will appear. Ta-da! [opens chest] Oops.
Mark: Hey. Where is he?
Randy: I don't know.
Jill: Well, these are all great presents, boys. Let's go to dinner. [the boys close the chest]
Mark: Bye, Dad.
Brad: I love you.
Randy: Have a nice time.
Tim: [o.s.] Open the lid! [knocks] Come on! There's something moving in here. I'm laughing on the inside, honey. I wanna laugh on the outside!

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