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The Long and Winding Road (Part 3)

‘The Long and Winding Road (Part 3)’

Season 8, Episode 27 -  Aired May 25, 1999

Tim, Al and Heidi present their final episode of Tool Time. Jill has second thoughts about moving to Indiana. Meanwhile, the Taylors prepare to host Al and Trudy's wedding in their backyard.

Quote from Jill

Morgan: Look, I need to see Tim. I've been trying to convince him to stay with Tool Time. He keeps turning me down.
Jill: He hated what you did to his show.
Morgan: No. That's all changed since the last episode. We offered to make him the executive producer and we offered to give him a big raise. But he won't budge. Something about Indiana.
Jill: He turned you down because of my job offer?
Morgan: I guess so. Must be hard for you to live with that one on your shoulder.
Jill: Look, I resent you trying to make me feel guilty. Now, if you don't mind, we're in the middle of a wedding. To which you were not invited.
Morgan: All right. But I'm gonna lose my job.
Jill: I'm terribly sorry. Please, go.
Morgan: All right, I'm Morgan Wandell.
Jill: Yeah.
Morgan: I'm Morgan Wandell. [Jill slams the door in his face]


Quote from Heidi

Brad: So, how come your husband's not here? Problems at home?
Heidi: No. He's away on an assignment.
Brad: Well, if you were my wife, I wouldn't leave you alone.
Heidi: Well, I'm not your wife and you still won't leave me alone.

Quote from Benny

Jill: Oh, look. Trudy looks so beautiful.
Benny: The minister's starting. All bets are down.

Quote from Tim

Trudy: And I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you, and to someday hear the pitter-patter of little Borland feet.
Tim: Do they make a steel-toed work bootie?

Quote from Al

Wilson: And now Al would like to recite the vows that he wrote for Trudy.
Al: My darling Trudy, what more could a man ask for than to be with a magnificent woman like you? You are my rock, my soul mate and my partner through this journey I like to call... [checks notes] Life. Come, my sweet princess, and we shall walk hand in hand...
Tim: Directly into The Twilight Zone.
Wilson: Cal, the rings, please? Trudy, do you take Al to be your lawfully wedded husband, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?
Trudy: I do.
Wilson: Al, do you take Trudy to be your lawfully wedded wife, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?
Al: You bet I do. [accidentally hits Trudy in the head as he salutes her]
Wilson: Now by the power vested in me by the state of Michigan and the Church of the Celestial Moon, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Al, you may kiss the bride.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Jill, we're in the middle of a wedding. What do you want to talk about?
Jill: Please sit down in the hot rod.
Tim: I don't care what it's about.
Jill: I can't believe that you turned down Binford for me.
Tim: [sighs] How did you find that out?
Jill: Morgan stopped by to bribe us with a cheese basket.
Tim: What kind of cheese?

Quote from Tim

Tim: As a matter of fact, I would change things.
Jill: Yeah? What would you change?
Tim: I don't think I'd propose to you in the back of a '68 Dodge Dart. 273...
Jill: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, what kind of car would you choose?
Tim: That's not what I mean. If I had to do it again, I'd pick a more romantic spot. First time I looked at you, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Now 20 years later, I have the same feelings. Except this numbness in my thumb I can't explain. Jill Patterson, would you marry me?
Jill: No.
Tim: No?
Jill: I'm already married to the perfect guy. [they kiss]

Quote from Al

Al: Oh, gosh! I'm gonna miss all this! I'm even gonna miss your putdowns.
Tim: Just because the show's over doesn't mean the putdowns have to stop. I can insult you long-distance.
Al: [chuckles] What do you mean, long-distance?
Tim: Jill got a job at a family practice in Bloomington. Looks like we're moving to Indiana.
Heidi: Indiana?
Al: Our lives are changing so fast! Oh, stop the roller coaster! [hugs Heidi]
Heidi: Oh.
Tim: Al... Al...

Quote from Heidi

Heidi: You know what, Tim? I knew we had to say good-bye to Tool Time, I didn't realize we'd have to say good-bye to you.
Tim: You know, but change can be a good thing. Al's getting married.
Al: Well, that's true.
Al & Heidi: Yeah!
Al: All right.
Heidi: And you know what? I'm pregnant.
Tim & Al: She's pregnant.
Morgan: This is it! Today's the big day! [Tim, Al & Heidi groan]

Quote from Tim

Morgan: Talk about a hot show! I got about 20 fire marshals standing by for when you "accidentally" burn down the set.
Al: Do you really want us to burn down the set? How do you sleep at night, young man?
Morgan: Trust me, gang, the show's gonna be huge. But since I'm a VP I get to watch it at Binford HQ with the COO, the CFO and the CEO.
Tim: Which one would be the SOB?
Morgan: Oh, I get it. You're doing a fun thing with letters. [chuckles]

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