Brad Quote #84
Quote from Brad in Some Like It Hot Rod
Jill: How could I have done something so stupid?
Brad: They say when two people have been married for a long time they start acting like each other.
Jill: You're not helping, Brad.
Home Improvement Quotes
‘Some Like It Hot Rod’ Quotes
Quote from Wilson
Jill: Wilson, I've been thinking about this. Do you think that subconsciously I left the hot rod out in the snow to get back at Tim for dropping that two-ton beam on my station wagon?
Wilson: Well, Jill, that's a very interesting theory, but I'm sure that your leaving the car out was just an accident.
Jill: Yeah. But you know what Freud says about that, "There are no accidents."
Wilson: Well, obviously Freud never saw Tool Time.
Quote from Tim
Jill: Get in. See if it meets your approval.
Tim: Jill, this is the greatest gift you've ever given me.
Jill: I gave you three children.
Tim: Yeah, but none of them came out this clean.
Quote from Jill
Tim: I've worked on this car for three years. And you send it outside like some stray cat. This is like a member of the family to me.
Jill: You wait a minute. You just wait a minute. Every single thing I have ever owned, you have managed to puncture, singe, pulverize, crack, crush, melt or explode, and every single time I have managed to come up with the compassion to forgive you. But this one time this happens, do you have the same compassion to forgive me? No! Thank you so much.
Tim: Honey, l... [Jill slams the door] Wait a minute. You are really good. You screw up and I'm getting yelled at. You are really, really good.