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Quote from Jill in Some Like It Hot Rod

Jill: Tim... I've been thinking and maybe you're right. Maybe I have a problem admitting I'm wrong. You know, I think that it has to do with my relationship with my mother.
Tim: No, no, no. Please, not this "my mother made me screw up" again.
Al: You know, I have a lot of issues with my mother.
Tim: Here we go.
Jill: You see, to my mother an apology was like an admission of guilt, which gave her the right to give me a nine-hour lecture on what a bad person I was.
Tim: That's fascinating, Jill, it really is. But I'm not your mom. I thought you'd pick up on that since I stopped wearing my hair in a beehive.
Jill: Tim, the mother-child relationship has all these complexities that affect all aspects of your life.
Al: Boy, is that true. No matter how hard you fight against it, you always are your mother's child.
Tim: Hey, I got a great idea. Let's all get together tomorrow night and watch Terms of Endearment.

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