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Quote from Al in Brother, Can You Spare a Hot Rod?

Tim: Now, I for one am pretty gosh-darn excited about the custom car show. I understand there are cars from all over the US and Canada.
Doug: That's right. Also from Italy, we've got a couple from as far away as New Zealand. Many of them, I might add, brought to you by my company, Papa Mia's Pizza.
Al: You're Papa Mia?
Doug: I am.
Al: I love your pizza.
Tim: Now, as a big car collector, you've seen a lot of cars. What gives you a thrill at a show like this?
Doug: Well, I'm an old-fashioned guy, Tim. And no matter how many hot rods I own, I really get a thrill out of seeing a beautifully crafted restoration.
Al: Bet it's the same kind of thrill I get every time I eat one of your pizzas.
Tim: Al, put a sausage in it, will you?

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