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Quote from Al in Too Many Cooks

Irma: Anyway, I'm gonna be gone until next Sunday, and I was wondering if I could impose on you to... fill in for me. You know, be Irma for a week. [chuckles]
Al: Irma for a week?!
Tim: I don't know.
Al: Oh, come on, Tim. Irma needs our help. Her radish just had a cabbage.
Tim: Well, when you put it like that, Al... Hmm... I could host it. We could have that Spam casserole. Al could assist me.
Irma: Oh, well, as a matter of fact, since Al is such a wonderful cook, I was hoping that he would host it and that you would assist him.
Tim: Uh... I don't... I really don't think Al would be comfortable with that. You know he's been...
Al: I would love the opportunity. In fact, you might say I would relish it.
Irma: "Relish"? Oh, Al! I just admire your joie de vivre.
Tim: That's French for "big butt crack," isn't it?

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