Quote from Al in This Joke's for You
Al: What, your little bell will send 5,000 volts coursing through my body? [chuckles] While he stands back and yells, "Remember the Al-amo!" Tim: I just want you to press the bell. Al: I know... It's just a setup, isn't it? It's one big setup. Tim: It is not a setup! Al: Soon you'll start in with the uncalled-for slams against my mother... Tim: Al. Al: How she always shops in the husky section. How she wiped out the all-you-can-eat salad bar. Tim: Al, I simply came out here to put this thing together. Al: Well, go ahead. Just say it. My mother is a big fat cow! Tim: Goodness gracious, Al. We'll be right back after these messages from Binford Tools.