‘The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton’
Season 1, Episode 2 - Aired October 12, 2000
Rory has her first day at Chilton. Meanwhile, Lorelai confronts Emily about her attempts to spend money on them.
Quote from Michel
Michel: Once again, your faithful pooch is here to say: "Please come to the desk. Someone needs to talk to you."
Lorelai: It's not my mother, is it?
Michel: It's possible.
Lorelai: [sees Ian at the desk] It's possible?
Michel: There's a resemblance.
Quote from Paris
Rory: Oh, no. I am so sorry. Paris, please, I'm so sorry. It was an accident. My locker, it just slipped. I pulled too hard. I didn't mean to... Is there water in that moat?
Paris: Get away from me.
Quote from Rory
Rory: It's my fault.
Ms. Ness: Who are you?
Rory: Rory Gilmore. I wrecked her project.
Paris: Shut up.
Ms. Ness: I don't have a Rory Gilmore. I have a Lorelai Gilmore.
Rory: That's me.
Ms. Ness: You are Rory and Lorelai Gilmore?
Rory: Yes. And I wrecked her project. My locker got stuck.
Paris: Just stay out of this.
Ms. Ness: Do you go by Rory or Lorelai?
Rory: Whatever. It's not her fault.
Ms. Ness: I need you to pick one.
Rory: One what?
Ms. Ness: One name.
Rory: Rory.
Ms. Ness: Fine. Thank you. Rory, you wrecked Paris' project when?
Rory: Just before class.
Ms. Ness: Very convenient.
Rory: No, I did. Look, my locker got stuck, and when I opened it-
Paris: Stop it!
Quote from Lorelai
Babette: Lorelai, I'm so sorry I had to call you like this.
Lorelai: That's okay, Babette. I appreciate it.
Babette: All of a sudden, they pull up, get out of the truck, and start sniffing around. It's very strange.
Lorelai: All right. Let me talk to them.
Morey: Tell her about the gnome, baby.
Babette: They kicked a gnome.
Lorelai: What?
Babette: Right in the head.
Morey: That's just not cool.
Lorelai: I'm very sorry. Is the gnome okay?
Babette: Oh, he's fine, sugar. Thanks for asking. But I wouldn't trust these boys. Gnome kicking says a lot about a man's character.
Lorelai: Yes. I'm gonna go take care of this. Thanks.
Quote from Lorelai
Mick: I was told to look for a ceramic frog with a key in it.
Lorelai: I don't understand.
Mick: We can't find the frog.
Lorelai: I didn't order a DSL.
Mick: Uh, the order was placed by Emily Gilmore.
Lorelai: [groans] No.
Mick: We would've been done, but the frog search put us way behind.
Lorelai: Well, look.
Engineer #2: I found it.
Mick: You found the frog.
Engineer #2: It was a turtle, not a frog.
Mick: It says here it's a frog.
Lorelai: It's a turtle.
Mick: Really?
Lorelai: Trust me.
Quote from Rory
Ms. Ness: Let's try another passage. "The Romanists have, with great adroitness drawn three walls round themselves with which they have hitherto protected themselves"... [Rory passes a note to Paris, who scrunches it up without reading it] "so that no one could reform them, whereby Christendom has fallen terribly." Who said this?
Rory: Martin Luther.
Ms. Ness: Very good, Miss Gilmore. And what year did Martin Luther address the Christian nobility?
Rory: 1520.
Ms. Ness: Very good, Miss Gilmore. [bell rings] Until next time, class.
Paris: [to Rory] Stay out of my way. I will make this school a living hell for you.
Tristin: See you tomorrow, Mary.
Rory: The name is Rory.