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The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton

‘The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton’

Season 1, Episode 2 - Aired October 12, 2000

Rory has her first day at Chilton. Meanwhile, Lorelai confronts Emily about her attempts to spend money on them.

Quote from Rory

Hanlin Charleston: You're obviously a bright girl, Miss Gilmore.
Rory: Thank you.
Hanlin Charleston: Good grades, the teachers like you. Not a lot of social activities, though.
Rory: Oh, well, just living at Stars Hollow is a social activity, actually.
Hanlin Charleston: Nothing in your school appealed to you?
Rory: I work at my mother's inn after school sometimes. And I was in the German Club for a while. But there were only three of us. Then two left for the French Club after seeing Schindler's List.


Quote from Rory

Hanlin Charleston: What are your aspirations?
Rory: I want to go to Harvard to study Journalism and Political Science.
Hanlin Charleston: On your way to being...
Rory: Christiane Amanpour.
Hanlin Charleston: Really?
Rory: Yes.
Hanlin Charleston: Not Cokie Roberts?
Rory: No.
Hanlin Charleston: Not Oprah, Rosie, or one of the women from The View?
Rory: No.
Hanlin Charleston: Why do you wish to be Christiane Amanpour?
Rory: Well, I don't wish to be her exactly. I just want to do what she does.
Hanlin Charleston: Which is?
Rory: Travel, see the world up close, report on what's really going on, be a part of something big.
Hanlin Charleston: And to be a part of something big you have to be on TV? Why not lead the police on a high-speed chase? That's a quicker way to achieve this goal.
Rory: Being on TV has nothing to do with it. Maybe I'll be a journalist and write books or articles about what I see. I just want to be sure that I see something. [Hanlin looks unimpressed] You'll notice the debating team's also missing from my resume.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: I already had the longest day of my life, and it's only 10:00. How nice.
Luke: There's no coffee.
Lorelai: That's not funny.
Luke: I can give you herbal tea.
Lorelai: This is not an herbal tea morning. This is a coffee morning.
Luke: Every morning for you is a coffee morning.
Lorelai: This is a jumbo coffee morning. I need coffee in an I.V.
Luke: I can give you tea and a Balance Bar.
Lorelai: Please, please, please tell me you're kidding.
Luke: I'm kidding.
Lorelai: You're sick.
Luke: Yep.
Lorelai: You're a sadist. You're a fiend! [Luke returns with a pot of coffee] You're pretty.

Quote from Lorelai

Luke: So, what happened this morning that was so awful?
Lorelai: Rory started Chilton.
Luke: Really?
Lorelai: Yeah. What?
Luke: That's how you dressed to go to Chilton?
Lorelai: Yeah, but-
Luke: I mean, that's a fancy school.
Lorelai: My clothes were at the cleaners, and I had the fuzzy clock and it didn't purr on time.
Luke: It didn't purr?
Lorelai: It's fuzzy. It purrs. You know what. Never mind. I gotta go. I had a plan, damn it.
Luke: Me, too. Next time you're getting tea.

Quote from Lorelai

Emily: [on the phone] Lorelai, good. I'm going shopping this afternoon. I thought I'd pick up a few things for Rory.
Lorelai: Like what?
Emily: Oh, you know, a couple of extra skirts and tops for school.
Lorelai: I already took care of all that, Mom. I got her two skirts and a bunch of tops.
Emily: But there are five days in a school week.
Lorelai: Really? Are you sure? Because my days-of-the-week underwear only go to Thursday.
Emily: Is that a joke?
Lorelai: Mom, two skirts are fine.
Emily: I never know with you.
Lorelai: Really, don't bother.
Emily: Well, what if she gets one dirty?
Lorelai: Then she'll wear the other one.
Emily: What if she gets them both dirty?
Lorelai: Well, we'll use this newfangled thing called a washing machine. The town chipped in and bought one and my turn's Tuesday.

Quote from Michel

Michel: Excuse me. There's a phone call for you and if I'm to fetch you like a dog, I'd like a cookie and a raise.

Quote from Miss Patty

Miss Patty: Now, walk smooth. That's the new Harry Potter on your heads. If they should drop, Harry will die, and there won't be any more books. [to Lorelai] Now that's how you should've dressed this morning, missy.

Quote from Luke

Luke: What are you doing here?
Lorelai: See now, that's why you were voted Mr. Personality of the new millennium. Where's your crown?
Luke: I just mean you don't usually come in at this time.
Lorelai: Well, I have to pick up Rory from school. [Luke serves her coffee] Thank you.
Luke: You're welcome.
Lorelai: No lectures?
Luke: My blood sugar's low. I'll eat an apple and get back to you.

Quote from Luke

Luke: Yeah, I think it's good that you turned him down.
Lorelai: Okay.
Luke: I mean, he's probably old, right?
Lorelai: Old?
Luke: Yeah, I mean, he has a kid in high school.
Lorelai: Well, so do I.
Luke: Yeah, but you were young when you had Rory. Most people aren't that young. Most people are...
Lorelai: Old.
Luke: Yeah.
Lorelai: Like this guy who asked me out.
Luke: But you're not going.
Lorelai: No, I'm not going.

Quote from Lorelai

Babette: Is there a problem?
Lorelai: Oh, nothing Shakespeare couldn't turn into a really good play.

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