‘The Hobbit, the Sofa and Digger Stiles’
Season 4, Episode 3 - Aired October 7, 2003
Paris wants Rory to open up their dorm room for a party. When Lorelai and Sookie organize a kid's birthday party, Sookie begins to wonder whether she even likes children.
Quote from Rory
Rory: I'm going to go in there and I'm going to tell Grandma that she's going to butt out of my life.
Lorelai: Can I-
Rory: What are you doing?
Lorelai: [sniffs Lorelai's drink] Just checking. So you have soberly decided to confront my mother?
Rory: Yes.
Lorelai: Are you sure you want to do this?
Rory: Yes.
Lorelai: All right, then I support you one hundred percent.
Quote from Richard
Lorelai: I didn't know you were looking for a partner.
Emily: He wasn't. Jason came to him.
Richard: That's right. He said he wanted to strike out on his own, he wanted to work with the best, and he wanted to screw over his father.
Emily: What?
Richard: Oh, excuse me, Rory.
Emily: You never told me about this.
Richard: Well, I was a bit surprised at the beginning, but I have to admit that when he told me that part of his motive was revenge, I was intrigued. No, I was tickled. I thought it was wonderful. What a wonderful world we live in that the son of my enemy hates his father and that I benefit from it all. It's downright Elizabethan. [chuckles]
Emily: I don't think this is very funny, Richard.
Richard: No, no, I suppose not. However, I can't stop smiling.
Quote from Emily
Emily: I don't think you should go into business with this boy.
Richard: Oh, now, Emily.
Emily: He's obviously very troubled. You certainly don't need to hand over your business to a troubled youth.
Richard: He's 37 years old.
Emily: Yes, he's 37 years old, and all he can think about is how to get back at his father. I don't understand that kind of thinking.
Richard: You know Floyd. He's horrible.
Emily: He is the boy's father. He raised him. He clothed him. He fed him. He does not deserve to be paid back for all of his love and devotion like this.
Richard: Why are you getting so upset?
Emily: I don't want to talk about it anymore.
Richard: Oh, Emily, be reasonable.
Emily: I never liked that Digger in the first place.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: [clucks like a chicken]
Rory: It wasn't the right moment. I was about to when Grandpa came in. He interrupted, and now Grandma's mad, so I'm sorry if it seems to you like I chickened out, but I didn't, and now it's just gonna have to wait.
Lorelai: [clucks like a chicken]