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That's What You Get, Folks, For Makin' Whoopee

‘That's What You Get, Folks, For Makin' Whoopee’

Season 7, Episode 2 - Aired October 3, 2006

Rory is upset about Logan's absence and the cancellation of their trip to Asia, so Lorelai attempts to cheer her up. Meanwhile, Lane returns from her honeymoon.

Quote from Rory

Rory: We were going to see the terra-cotta soldiers in Xian. And we were going to go to Peking for the opera and the duck. I want to see Tibet. I want to snorkel off the an thoi islands in Vietnam. I want to see the crazy teenage fashions in the harajuku district of Tokyo.
Lorelai: Oh, wow.


Quote from Sookie

Sookie: Okay, this is easy. You put in your snow crab. You put in your avocado. You put in your cucumber. You match it together. And then you just roll it up. Slice it up like this, and voila. Or whatever they say in Japan. Arigato.
Sookie: Karate.
Lorelai: Look, it's those little coin shapes, just like in a Japanese restaurant. Arigato karate, babe.
Sookie: Yep. Okay. I'm gonna make one more California roll, and then we can make your meat-loaf sushi as promised.
Lorelai: Yay! Do you want to put suntan lotion in there?
Sookie: Did you just say sun-- Oh! Of course. Because a California roll would have some suntan lotion in it.
Lorelai: You're such a pity laugher.

Quote from Rory

Lane: Let's go for a walk.
Rory: No, you're not feeling right. You should take care of yourself.
Lane: I'm feeling all right right now, actually. Besides, I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, and if I start to barf in public, you could just pretend we were partying too hard. Which would do wonders for my rep.
Rory: All right, Mrs. Van Gerbig, let's blow this popsicle stand.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Hello, honorable Rory-San.
Rory: You've made Asia for me?
Lorelai: Mm-hmm. Here's your kimono, honorable Rory-San.
Rory: Thank you. You made crazy Asia.
Lorelai: Well, actually, believe it or not, but this is an exact replica of Japan, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Korea, and any other Asian countries that might have slipped my mind for the moment. This is exactly what you would see in the other Asia.
Rory: The one that's not in our living room.
Lorelai: Yeah, the old Asia. The first attempt, I like to call it "The prototype".
Rory: Asia's a lot smaller than I thought, more intimate. And more fragrant.
Lorelai: Yes, well, Miss Patty donated a bottle of her opium perfume, - and I spritzed it around a little.
Rory: A little.
Lorelai: Well, little at first, and then I tripped on my flip-flop and broke the bottle.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: Asia's so pretty. I love all the lanterns and... Oh, the poster of Mao. Very nice. And one of Sandra Oh. Because oddly, you have a poster of Sandra Oh.
Lorelai: Well, she's a goddess. And those aren't posters. They're billboards. You've lost perspective.
Rory: Ah. I see you feng shuied the furniture.
Lorelai: Because it was so unfeng shuied before. It was ridiculous. Here, to document our journey.
Rory: Xie xie.
Lorelai: Oh, God bless you.
Rory: That's "thank you" in mandarin.
Lorelai: [chuckles] I knew that. Just testing you.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Perhaps I shall outline our itinerary.
Rory: Perhaps we shall.
Lorelai: All right, well, first stop is Japan, land of the rising sun, ruled by Hello Kitty, where we are gonna make our own sushi.
Rory: You, me, and raw fish? Is that safe?
Lorelai: Uh, well, I took a lesson, and if you're really nervous, then we can skip the fugu. After we're stuffed with sushi, we will take an invisible rickshaw to the rice paddies, i.e. your room. Where we will spend hours origamiing.
Rory: Paper cranes!
Lorelai: Yeah, and paper bulldozers and paper dump trucks and whatever else your little heart desires. Then, we'll take a bullet train straight back to Tokyo where we'll relax with some tai chi in preparation for the kabuki play I wrote.
Rory: Tai chi's actually Chinese.
Lorelai: Duh. I know that. We're gonna teach it to the Japanese.
Rory: That's nice of us.
Lorelai: We're very nice that way.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: All right, let's make some sushi.
Rory: But I'm scared.
Lorelai: Oh, I'll let you in on a secret. The fish is really fried chicken.

Quote from Rory

Rory: So you just rushed right over there the minute you were free, huh?
Lorelai: Rory.
Rory: Sounds like you were in quite a hurry. Did you put a dummy in the passenger seat so you could use the car-pool Lane?
Lorelai: Rory.
Rory: What? You didn't think of it? In too much of a rush, I guess. I hope you buckled your seat belt. You're supposed to buckle your seat belt even if you're in a rush.

Quote from Rory

Rory: Sorry I didn't call first. I don't know the protocol for married friends. I just had to get out of my house. If I were there for one more second, I think I would have had to karate-chop my mom. I swear, just chopped her in half.

Quote from Lane

Rory: Lane, are you okay? Did the doctor say you have a parasite?
Lane: In a manner of speaking. [sighs] I'm pregnant.
Rory: Shut up.
Lane: I'm pregnant.
Rory: You're not.
Lane: I am.
Rory: No.
Lane: Yes. I went to the doctor and he told me. I'm pregnant with a baby.
Rory: No.
Lane: Yes.

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