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Teach Me Tonight

‘Teach Me Tonight’

Season 2, Episode 19 - Aired April 30, 2002

Luke asks Rory to tutor Jess when he risks being kept back in high school. Meanwhile, Lorelai gets to decide which movie should play in the town square.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Do you want some coffee?
Christopher: I'll get it.
Lorelai: Do you know how to make coffee?
Christopher: Yes, I do.
Lorelai: My coffee?
Christopher: One bag of coffee per cup of water, right?
Lorelai: Perfect.


Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Oh, my God. You know, when Rory called me tonight and said the word "hospital", I just legitimately thought I was having a heart attack. And let me tell you, it was not fun. I'm joining a gym tomorrow. That's how not-fun it was.
Christopher: See if you can you get a two-for-one membership.
Lorelai: Anything could've happened. It could have been so much worse.
Christopher: It wasn't.
Lorelai: No, it wasn't, but it could have been.
Christopher: It wasn't. Everything's gonna be okay.

Quote from Lorelai

Christopher: The Yearling?
Lorelai: Great movie.
Christopher: You'd think they'd have gotten the genius in charge of this to come up with something other than that.
Lorelai: Hey, picking a movie that will appeal to a large group of people is hard.

Quote from Lane

Rory: Yeah, everyone is so upset right now. My dad's in town and something happened between Mom and Luke and she won't tell me what. I don't know. They just need time to cool off and then everything will be fine. Everyone just needs time. Maybe I'll try to call him tomorrow.
Lane: Tomorrow. Oh, that's plenty of time. No one will still be mad then.
Rory: Sarcasm does not become you.
Lane: Maybe not, but it does sustain me.

Quote from Sookie

Lorelai: Why isn't Jackson here?
Sookie: He's singing to his persimmons tonight. They've been a little sour lately.
Lorelai: Right.
Christopher: Right? You just accept that explanation?
Sookie: Why shouldn't I?
Christopher: She just told you the man is not here because he's singing to fruit.
Lorelai: That's better than dancing with it. Remember last year's watermelon crop?
Sookie: Yeah. Threw his back out.
Christopher: Okay, I'm facing the screen now.

Quote from Kirk

[Kirk's movie:]
Kirk: I can't wait to meet your family.
Girlfriend: I'm very close to my family.
Kirk: I know this. That's why I can't wait to meet your family.
Girlfriend: Remember, Daddy is quite protective. I'm his favorite daughter.
Kirk: He has good taste. I intend to tell him that. I love you.
Girlfriend: Daddy.
Father: You are with my favorite daughter.
Kirk: You have good taste.
Father: Come in the house.
Girlfriend: I love you.
Kirk: I love your daughter.
Father: Who are you to love my daughter? What do you have to offer her?
Kirk: Nothing. Only this. [dances]

Quote from Lorelai

Christopher: This town is like one big outpatient mental institution.
Lorelai: Glad you could join us.
Christopher: Yeah, me, too.

Quote from Rory

Lorelai: So, how are you feeling?
Rory: Haunted by the sight of Kirk's bare chest.

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