Lorelai Quote #1964
Quote from Lorelai in But I'm a Gilmore!
Lorelai: Oh, here, before I forget. Um, this fell out of your pocket last night while you were pulling an Exorcist.
Rory: Mm. Paris gave it to me to hold so she wouldn't call Doyle.
Lorelai: She was the talk of the town this morning. Attacked the pretzel cart, police backup had to be called for the first time ever.
Rory: She was quite a mess.
Lorelai: Uh-huh. So apparently it was a theme.
Rory: I am sorry. It won't happen again, believe me.
Lorelai: You, of all people, should know the dangers of the Founder's Day punch. Did you learn nothing from Mommy's Coyote Ugly bar dance at last year's Salute to the Quakers festival?
Rory: Oh, now, you can't blame that all on the punch.
Lorelai: Well, don't get me wrong, I'm always up for a little mother-daughter bonding, but seriously, when did facials go out of style?
Gilmore Girls Quotes
‘But I'm a Gilmore!’ Quotes
Quote from Lorelai
Paris: Founder's Day punch?
Kirk: Abba Zabbas.
Lorelai: Good morning, Vietnam. [Paris groans] How's everyone feeling today? Terrific. Okay, I got tacos, hard tacos, I got soft tacos, I got fries, curly, straight, and spicy.
Paris: Are you serious?
Lorelai: Trust me. It's the best hangover food on the East Coast.
Kirk: You get a Mars bar? You know, hair of the dog?
Lorelai: Ah, there's pop tarts in the cabinet, Kirk. Coffee'll be up in a minute, grab some water and start hydrating!
Paris: The smell of these tacos is making me nauseous.
Lorelai: No, no, no. That's the quart of Patty's non-FDA-approved Founder's Day punch you drank last night. Eat a taco.
Quote from Paris
Paris: He got dumped two years ago. Apparently, it was a vicious Julia Roberts to Kiefer Sutherland kind of dump. She broke his heart, slept with his best friend, and took the dog. He swore off women completely until he met me.
Rory: Wow. That was a lot of ground you guys covered last night.
Paris: He finally admitted, once his cough started coming back, that what we have he no longer views as casual. He said we are officially in a committed-
Rory: Hey, I know that word.
Paris: ...relationship, and I would not be remotely out of line if I called myself his girlfriend. And then I handed him the Nyquil, and then he passed out.
Rory: Very romantic.
Paris: I know.
Quote from Sookie
Sookie: [on the phone] The bastard put me on bed rest.
Lorelai: What?
Sookie: Dr. Menck. He told me to lie down immediately and not to get up again until little Cherry or Norric comes out.
Lorelai: Oh. Well, we'll get to the names in a second.