Lorelai Quote #1785
Quote from Lorelai in You Jump, I Jump, Jack
Lorelai: Don't worry, I'm going to do whatever it takes to get us out of this. I promise.
Luke: Why?
Lorelai: What do you mean, why?
Luke: Let's just do it, get it over with. Meeting the parents comes with the territory. We can't put it off forever.
Lorelai: Oh, yeah? My fourth grade teacher wanted a meeting with my parents. She was hit by a bus six years ago. Never got the meeting.
Gilmore Girls Quotes
‘You Jump, I Jump, Jack’ Quotes
Quote from Emily
Emily: Diners are generally so filthy. I'm sure yours isn't, but the horror stories you hear. I read that one in Vermont got caught serving roadkill. Do you know what that is?
Luke: Uh, yeah, it's, uh, dead animals from the street.
Emily: From the street, from the backyard, fished out of pools. These diners find it and serve it. Again, probably not yours. But the fact that this place got away with it at all is astounding. I guess people who frequent diners don't look too closely at what they're eating out of self defense.
Luke: We don't serve roadkill at my place.
Emily: Well, good for you. I had a friend who ate at a diner once and the next day she dropped dead. Her family considered suing the place but there's nothing to get from these people. A couple of stools and a toaster. But they were sure it was a matter of hygiene and they eventually drove them out of the state. I don't want to tell you what they found when they moved the stove. Would you like another beer, Luke?
Quote from Luke
Luke: [on the phone] And he wants to shave me.
Lorelai: Shave what?
Luke: I don't know, he just kept talking about shaving me, and I'm tipsy. We hit the club bar, and I didn't want to sound dumb and just order a beer because it's nitwit juice, so I had what your dad was having which was whiskey something, more whiskey than something, let me tell you, 'cause I can't even see straight.
Lorelai: Aw, you poor thing.
Luke: And I've got an art dealer now.
Lorelai: No!
Luke: I'm driving to Manhattan next week to look at some Diebenkorns. What's a Diebenkorn?
Lorelai: I don't know.
Luke: Oh, and I bought some golf clubs, they cost the same as a car.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: Come on, babe. You'll feel better about halfway home.
Luke: Good.
Lorelai: Then the eye-popping nausea will hit you. The rich food mixes with the bitter memories and it all gets worse, and then it gets better.
Luke: Good.
Lorelai: Until you get to Route 44, and then you hit bottom.
Luke: Good. Great.
Lorelai: I'll be ready with a tongue depressor to keep you from swallowing your tongue. I keep them in my purse. Step up.