Lane Quote #169
Quote from Lane in The Hobbit, the Sofa and Digger Stiles
Lane: Okay, so I've scoured the entire store and here's what we got.
Lorelai: Hit me.
Lane: Horn of Gondor, Legolas' bow, and a cape.
Lorelai: Cape for who?
Lane: There's 4,000 people in that movie who wear capes - you can't pick one?
Lorelai: Wow, you're crabby.
Lane: Well, I wore a bracelet to school today. My parents were called. There was a special service in chapel, and I've been ordered to a soul-searching seminar next week. I'll be sitting between the nail-polish-wearing girl and the spicy condiment user.
Gilmore Girls Quotes
‘The Hobbit, the Sofa and Digger Stiles’ Quotes
Quote from Sookie
Sookie: A child is not a duvet cover. You can't just take it back if it doesn't like you.
Lorelai: Luckily, duvet covers notoriously like whoever they go home with. They're like golden retrievers.
Sookie: You know what happens when kids don't like you? They tie you to a chair. They brain you with a bat. They set fire to the house and blame it on the neighbors.
Lorelai: Wow, now you can't have kids or live next door to them.
Sookie: I don't know how to talk to them, I don't know how to feed them, I cover up their party cloths, and I set their fingers on fire.
Lorelai: Just this once.
Sookie: I make them eat jalapeno-chipotle cream sauce. I'm Mommie Dearest.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: Well, you could come out and say, "Grandma, this furniture is very nice. I appreciate the gesture, but this is a dorm room, and I cannot guarantee that the other people will love it as much as I do, and I worry about expensive equipment getting stolen, and it's just maybe too much right now."
Rory: That sounds good.
Lorelai: Okay. And then my mother will say, "Rory, your grandfather and I are paying for you to go to Yale.
We are enabling you to have this rarefied education, and you're being ungrateful and small-minded, and I resent it. I am hurt on a level you will not be able to understand until you yourself have a daughter or a granddaughter who will cut your heart out the way you've just cut mine out, and I hope that small veneer of independence that you've extracted from this incident is worth the complete and total alienation of the grandparents who have done nothing but love you and thought of you only."
Rory: Or I could keep the furniture.
Lorelai: Yes, you could.
Rory: This is great.
Lorelai: Hon, seriously, if you feel strongly, say something. I just want you to be prepared, that's all.
Rory: I know.
Lorelai: And take heart in knowing that when it comes to controlling a person, my mother targeted my soul, my independence, and my entire future, and at least with you, she threw in an ottoman.
Quote from Emily
Rory: [answers phone] Hello?
Emily: I was going to wait until you called me, but my life isn't as long as yours. Did you sit on the couch?
Rory: The couch?
Emily: I didn't want to get it too soft because I knew you would be studying there as well as watching television, and you would need a little bit of support.
Rory: You did this?
Emily: Of course I did it. My granddaughter's a Yalie now. She needs to live like a Yalie.
Rory: But how? When?
Emily: I snuck in yesterday when you were in classes just to measure to make sure everything would fit. Then I had to butter up your dippy freshman counselor so she'd let the movers in. Did you look in the entertainment center yet?
Rory: No. Oh.
Emily: That's a plasma TV with a VCR and a DVD player. There's also a five-CD changer and a turntable, and the whole thing is wired in 5.1 surround sound. Now I have no idea what that means, but the man who installed it said to get Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. It's supposed to be amazing.