Lorelai Quote #1016
Quote from Lorelai in Take the Deviled Eggs...
Andrew: I'd rather have bird crap fall on my head.
Lorelai: There it is. Our new town slogan.
Rory: I like it.
Lorelai: I see coffee mugs, T-shirts.
Rory: Don't forget stuffed shish-kabobbed birds.
Lorelai: That moan when you squeeze 'em.
Gilmore Girls Quotes
‘Take the Deviled Eggs...’ Quotes
Quote from Lorelai
Sherry: My Cesarean. I scheduled it months ago. Didn't you schedule yours?
Lorelai: Not quite. A half hour before I had Rory, I was eating a pepper sandwich and watching TV. You were almost named Quincy.
Rory: Thanks for refraining.
Quote from Lorelai
Rory: Fine, what's the project?
Lorelai: This is a pile of every catalog we have received for the last three months. I have gathered them all together, and I will now proceed to call all the companies that are sending us duplicates and tell them to stop.
Rory: That's very environmental of you.
Lorelai: It's getting ridiculous. We get, like, eight of some of these.
Rory: You're kidding.
Lorelai: Check this out. This is a stack of identical catalogs mailed to Lorelai Gilmore, Rory Gilmore, Lorelai Rory Gilmore, Lorelai V. Gilmore, Lorelai Victoria Gilmore, Lorelai Gilmo, Lorelai Gil, and Squeegy Beckinheim.
Rory: How'd that get in there?
Lorelai: I once told a store my name was Squeegy Beckinheim just to see how many catalogs they would sell my name to, and apparently my name is to catalog companies what Brooke Shields' picture is to Chinese restaurants.
Quote from Rory
Lorelai: Wow, you beat me home by two minutes and your nose is already in the books.
Rory: I can go from zero to studying in less than sixty seconds.
Lorelai: Very impressive.