Lane Quote #113
Quote from Lane in One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes
Lane: Oh, it was a fine collection, believe me.
Rory: She made you apply to every one?
Lane: And measured my head for a wimple.
Rory: Out of twenty-three schools, there wasn't one that you might want to go to?
Lane: It depends on what I'm looking for. Of course, all the great Seventh Day Adventist schools were represented, with their ban on dancing, gum chewing and bowling. Quaker College was a delightful surprise, with its special appeal to Richard Nixon, who's dead but still deeply involved in campus recruiting. Oh, and the piece de resistance! She found an Amish school in Nicaragua. Nicaragua! A big shout out to Mama Kim on that one!
Gilmore Girls Quotes
‘One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes’ Quotes
Quote from Lane
Lane: Wait, Zach, no, you don't understand. We can't play louder. See, my mom has this special antenna that can pick up non-Christian music being played within a football field's distance of our house, and she'd immediately come looking for me in order to shield me from the perversion.
Brian: If Zach's going, I'm going.
Lane: Wait, no, Brian, I'm not exaggerating. Once, a guy in our town named Kirk was practicing Bohemian Rhapsody with his band, the Kirk Gleason Five, and my mom shut them down so fast that the band fled without their instruments and never came back for them. To this day, Kirk can't listen to Queen without tearing up.
Quote from Lorelai
Lane: Okay, thinking about something else, something else. Thinking about puppy dogs. Thinking about getting things in the mail. I love getting things in the mail, letters and packages.
Rory: Got a package.
Lane: What's that?
Rory: Oh, Jim Carrey says that in Ace Ventura.
Lane: Good distraction. Still thinking... thinking about world events, lots going on there. Thinking about the last movie I saw. Vin Diesel was in it. Thinking about Vin Diesel now. Thinking about where Vin Diesel got the name Vin Diesel. Thinking about Vin Diesel's mysterious ethnicity. Thinking about how surprising it is to have so much to think about with Vin Diesel. Who knew, who knew? Okay, now I'm just thinking about the pain, we're into pain here.
Rory: Back to Vin Diesel.
Lane: I've exhausted Vin Diesel, but the pain, that's not exhausted!
Quote from Lane
Lane: I can't do this.
Rory: Can't do what?
Lane: Dye my hair.
Rory: It's kinda too late.
Lane: This is gonna kill her.
Rory: It won't kill her, it'll just shock her.
Lane: But the shock will kill her and then she'll kill me, we're talking bloodbath here.