Michel Quote #230
Quote from Michel in Santa's Secret Stuff
Michel: Oh. You. I thought we were done with you.
Luke: Hi, Michel. Is Lorelai here?
Michel: [on the phone] Hey. Can you tell Lorelai that someone is here to see her? [hangs up] Well, this is awfully awkward. We should make some sort of conversation. I see your sense of style has not changed.
Luke: Nope.
Michel: I've often wondered, does someone in your family own a flannel company?
Luke: Uh, no.
Michel: You know what? I cannot do this. Let us just stand here and let the awkwardness wash over us.
Luke: Fine by me.
Lorelai: Hi.
Michel: Ah, here she is. It's been a delight chatting with you.
Gilmore Girls Quotes
‘Santa's Secret Stuff’ Quotes
Quote from Lane
Lane: I'm sick of her. I'm sick of it all. I'm sick of being treated like I'm not a person, like I'm some incubator whose puffy ankles and varicose veins and bathroom habits are up for discussion. On what planet is it appropriate to ask a person how many times a day she urinates?
Zach: Well, you can ask me.
Lane: I don't want to ask you.
Zach: Six times today so far. I had a lot of coffee.
Lane: I'm sick of being told what to eat and what I shouldn't and what side I should sleep on when I lie down. I'm a person, Zach. I'm an adult. I don't want to be hiding things under the floorboards and behind cushions again.
Zach: Yeah, that's no good. Plus, we're starting to get ants and mites.
Lane: I don't want everything to change just because we're having these babies.
Zach: But things are going to change. There's no getting around it. Really, really soon, we're gonna have two babies. Two alive human sons.
Lane: It was such a small window. A peephole, really. For years, I was this repressed kid, and then there was the briefest of windows. And then... slam. All of a sudden, I'm this overburdened mother. I barely got to do it, Zach. I barely got the chance to be a person.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: I'm so mad at you!
Rory: What kind of greeting is that?
Lorelai: What kind of daughter doesn't let her mother pick her up at the airport?
Rory: The kind of daughter who parks her car at the airport car park.
Lorelai: But I'm the kind of mother who picks her daughter up from the airport. You know, with flowers and coffee and a fake chauffeur's sign. Why would you mess with my sense of self?
Rory: But my car was parked at the airport car park.
Lorelai: So what? I could have driven to the airport, picked you up, brought you back. Then we both could have driven to pick up your car and come back here.
Rory: Yeah, 'cause that wouldn't be a waste of gas or anything.
Quote from Lane
Zach: No, no, you can still be a person and still be rock 'n' roll. Having babies doesn't mean you can't be rock 'n' roll.
Lane: I don't know.
Zach: Give me a break. Sonic Youth has a kid, and they're still way cool.
Lane: Yeah.
Zach: And Mick Jagger. That cat has like 15 kids, and he still goes out and rocks.
Lane: Yeah, I guess.
Zach: For sure, the man rocks hard, and then he makes another kid.