Rory Quote #754
Quote from Rory in Santa's Secret Stuff
Rory: Hmm. On Christmas morning, we put red and green M&M;'s in our cereal.
Christopher: Down with that.
Rory: We string up our stockings on the banister.
Lorelai: Yes, we used to string them up on the traditional place of the fireplace, but then there was that fire incident, and they nearly burned to bits. So now we put them on little nails on the banister.
Rory: Oh, we always go to Weston's for a cup of holiday candy-cane coffee, which is so delicious.
Lorelai: It's delicious. And we bake cookies.
Christopher: You bake?
Lorelai: Well, we put on some Christmas music, drink eggnog, and pretend to bake the cookies we actually bought from Weston's.
Rory: We do, however, make our own frosting.
Lorelai: We use a handheld electric mixer from the dark ages so that Rory can continue the tradition of licking the beaters.
Rory: Yes, a skill which I have perfected over the years.
Lorelai: And then on Christmas Eve, we leave the cookies out for Santa's reindeer.
Rory: Santa prefers gum.
Gilmore Girls Quotes
‘Santa's Secret Stuff’ Quotes
Quote from Lane
Lane: I'm sick of her. I'm sick of it all. I'm sick of being treated like I'm not a person, like I'm some incubator whose puffy ankles and varicose veins and bathroom habits are up for discussion. On what planet is it appropriate to ask a person how many times a day she urinates?
Zach: Well, you can ask me.
Lane: I don't want to ask you.
Zach: Six times today so far. I had a lot of coffee.
Lane: I'm sick of being told what to eat and what I shouldn't and what side I should sleep on when I lie down. I'm a person, Zach. I'm an adult. I don't want to be hiding things under the floorboards and behind cushions again.
Zach: Yeah, that's no good. Plus, we're starting to get ants and mites.
Lane: I don't want everything to change just because we're having these babies.
Zach: But things are going to change. There's no getting around it. Really, really soon, we're gonna have two babies. Two alive human sons.
Lane: It was such a small window. A peephole, really. For years, I was this repressed kid, and then there was the briefest of windows. And then... slam. All of a sudden, I'm this overburdened mother. I barely got to do it, Zach. I barely got the chance to be a person.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: I'm so mad at you!
Rory: What kind of greeting is that?
Lorelai: What kind of daughter doesn't let her mother pick her up at the airport?
Rory: The kind of daughter who parks her car at the airport car park.
Lorelai: But I'm the kind of mother who picks her daughter up from the airport. You know, with flowers and coffee and a fake chauffeur's sign. Why would you mess with my sense of self?
Rory: But my car was parked at the airport car park.
Lorelai: So what? I could have driven to the airport, picked you up, brought you back. Then we both could have driven to pick up your car and come back here.
Rory: Yeah, 'cause that wouldn't be a waste of gas or anything.
Quote from Lane
Zach: No, no, you can still be a person and still be rock 'n' roll. Having babies doesn't mean you can't be rock 'n' roll.
Lane: I don't know.
Zach: Give me a break. Sonic Youth has a kid, and they're still way cool.
Lane: Yeah.
Zach: And Mick Jagger. That cat has like 15 kids, and he still goes out and rocks.
Lane: Yeah, I guess.
Zach: For sure, the man rocks hard, and then he makes another kid.