Lane Quote #186
Quote from Lane in In the Clamor and the Clangor
Lane: I started it when I was six, the day you told me the Cookie Monster was one of the seven deadly sins.
Mrs. Kim: Gluttony.
Lane: Yes, gluttony.
Mrs. Kim: So, I made you do this?
Lane: No, I just... I want to please you so badly, but I can't. I mean, look at you, look at what happened last night. It's not good. I don't want anything like this to ever happen again. I've been thinking a lot about this, our situation, and I think I figured out a way to make everything better.
Mrs. Kim: You have?
Lane: I don't want to go to Seventh Day Adventist College anymore. I want to be able to play with my band. I want to be a drummer. I will happily go to community college, and I will happily live at home and adhere to your curfew, except on the nights when the band plays or practices. This way, I can get what I want and I won't be lying to you or sneaking around. This way we can both be happy.
Mrs. Kim: Children do not make the rules. You may move out and live like that somewhere else.
Gilmore Girls Quotes
‘In the Clamor and the Clangor’ Quotes
Quote from Kirk
Kirk: Lorelai, what time do you have?
Luke: Do not tell him. He already knows.
Kirk: I do not!
Luke: If you just wait for the bells, then you'll get to hear the bells, and then you'll know what time it is.
Kirk: Actually, that's not true. The other day I stood too close to the bells and they rang so loud that there's now a persistent ringing in my ears. Now I can't tell which are the church bells and which are the Kirk bells.
Lorelai: Oh, no. Did you go to the doctor?
Kirk: Yes, he said I have tinnitis. I looked it up on the web at "Celebrities Who Share Your Disease" and found that William Shatner is likewise afflicted.
Luke: Really, Kirk and Captain Kirk?
Kirk: The irony wasn't lost on me. Was that them?
Quote from Paris
Paris: When you boil it down, isn't the whole Israeli-Palestinian problem a case of sibling rivalry?
Professor Freedman: Follow up?
Paris: The Old Testament, it's all there. Israelis are descendants of Abraham and Sarah. Arabs are descendants of Abraham and his maid Hagar. So Israelis and Arabs both have the same dad, and both want the great nation God promised Abraham. They might as well be fighting over who gets the TV remote.
Quote from Miss Patty
Lorelai: Yeah, do you remember the bells?
Sookie: No, it was before my time.
Lorelai: Me too, sounds great.
Miss Patty: Oh, they were fantastic. One of my most romantic memories happened during those bells.
Rory: Your first kiss?
Miss Patty: Uh, sure. Oh-kay.