Kirk Quote #225
Quote from Kirk in That's What You Get, Folks, For Makin' Whoopee
Luke: Look at this. French toast, pancakes, buttermilk pancakes. You stole my menu.
Kirk: You did not invent pancakes, Luke. Anyway, I heard Luke's went out of business.
Luke: Luke's did not go out of business. Luke's is closed for repairs. And you want to know why it's closed? Because some nincompoop yesterday drove his car through my diner!
Kirk: Would you care to step outside for a moment, Luke?
Luke: Outside? Outside what?
Kirk: I think it would behoove you not to use slanderous language like nincompoop in my place of business, Luke, because, let me tell you, it is only out of the kindness of my heart that I am not suing the pants off of you.
Luke: [laughs] You're gonna sue me after you crash a car into my diner and bust a giant hole in my wall?
Kirk: For all you know, I could have brain damage.
Luke: Oh, I'm pretty sure you do. You know what, Kirk? Go ahead. Sue me. Crash into my diner, make me lose a week's business, make me pay for the repairs, and then sue me for damages - for brain damages! That sounds fair.
Gilmore Girls Quotes
‘That's What You Get, Folks, For Makin' Whoopee’ Quotes
Quote from Rory
Rory: And, already, you are way ahead of a lot of people as far as parenting skills go. Like Britney. Britney Spears does not know which end of a baby goes up. And Courtney Love? She's no June Cleaver.
Lane: Yeah, I bet I could be a better mother than Courtney Love.
Rory: My sock drawer could be a better mother than Courtney Love. But, yes, of course you would be. And Michael Jackson. You know not to name a child "Blanket."
Lane: I do know that. Do not name your baby after an inanimate object.
Rory: See? Way ahead of the pack.
Lane: Yeah. Hey I wonder if Blanket ever met Tom and Katie's baby, Pillow.
Rory: Yeah, that would be a perfect playdate.
Lane: Yeah, when it's nap time, they would be totally set.
Rory: And then they could invite Gwyneth's Apple over afterward for a little snack.
Lane: Banjo, Rachel Griffiths' baby, could play for them.
Rory: And then they could all jump in Mia Farrow's Satchel and make fun of, uh... what's his face?
Lane: Oh, Pilot Inspektor Lee.
Rory: Yeah. [both chuckle]
Quote from Lorelai
Rory: So why'd you get up so early?
Lorelai: Mm, well, couldn't sleep. And, initially, I was at a loss. I mean, how would I pass the time until my one and only offspring, the fruit of my loins-
Rory: Too early.
Lorelai: ...loin fruit that she is, straggled out of bed to grace me with her presence? But then I asked myself, "W.W.T.B.F.C.D.?" And it came to me in a flash. "I'm gonna make waffles."
Rory: "What would the Barefoot Contessa do?"
Lorelai: Exactly.
Rory: Barefoot's one word.
Lorelai: Shut up, loin fruit.
Quote from Kirk
Kirk: It's a diner, Luke.
Luke: A diner called Kirk's?
Kirk: It's the name my mother gave me. Top you off there, Jake?
Luke: Why are you doing this?
Kirk: I just saw a need, and I filled it. Seemed to me Stars Hollow was in want of a real neighborhood joint, a watering hole where the townsfolk could mingle, a place where a fella could come and get a piece of pie, a cup of arbuckles', and a soupcon of small-town charm.
Luke: Yeah, well, Stars Hollow has already got that place. It's right across the street. It's called Luke's. Luke's. Ring any bells? Sounds a little like Kirk's, doesn't it?
Kirk: Luke, if you are suggesting that you were the very first person to ever think of naming a restaurant after yourself, I think that Denny Arby, and Tony Roma might have something to say about that, not to mention Mr. Chuck E. Cheese.
Luke: Chuck E. Cheese? Chuck E. Cheese is not a person.
Kirk: Luke, do you think a giant mouse opened a national restaurant franchise by himself?