‘Presenting Lorelai Gilmore’
Season 2, Episode 6 - Aired November 6, 2001
Rory agrees to "come out" at a debutante ball as it will please her grandmother. Lorelai is impressed when Christopher actually shows up to present Rory at the event. Meanwhile, Richard is constantly bickering with Emily.
Quote from Lorelai
Richard: I have told you what I'm going through, but you don't seem to hear it. You don't listen to me or anybody.
Emily: That is not true.
Richard: It is. Isn't it true? Has she ever listened to a word you've said?
Lorelai: Well, people listen in different ways. Right? Some people listen with their ears and some people listen with not their ears. But that doesn't mean some listening hasn't happened in some form.
Quote from Richard
Emily: Well, so what?
Richard: Excuse me?
Lorelai: Dad, I don't think Mom meant exactly-
Emily: So what if that's true?
Lorelai: Or maybe she did.
Emily: There are other options.
Richard: I don't want other options. I want to get up every morning and put on my suit and go to my office and do my work, like I've done every day for 30 years. That's what I want to do. That's the only thing I want to do.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: You know, um... I happened to be looking through some old maps this afternoon and I couldn't help but notice that Boston is not that far away.
Christopher: You needed a map to tell you that?
Lorelai: I also noticed that that I-84 is a very good road. Solid, paved. And I put this information in my pretty little head. I was thinking, if you wanted to maybe drop by occasionally it wouldn't be too difficult.
Christopher: You realize I'll be driving the Volvo?
Lorelai: Actually, I'm coming around to the Volvo.
Christopher: Really?
Lorelai: Yes. I think it's sort of a Catholic schoolgirl thing. You know, it's conservative on the outside, bad on the inside.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: So, tonight? What's the consensus?
Rory: The fan dance was humiliating. I'm never doing a curtsy again. But having Dad around was great.
Lorelai: Yeah, it was.
Rory: He's got a new girlfriend, you know.
Lorelai: Sherrie.
Rory: Yeah.
Lorelai: Poor girI's named after a Journey song. That's got to be rough.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: You know, I'm really lucky.
Rory: Yeah? Why?
Lorelai: I have someone to complain to when life sucks or work sucks or just everything sucks, I have someone I can talk to.
Rory: Yeah? Who?
Lorelai: Oh, Shecky, you kill me. It just must be really lonely not to have that.
Rory: You thinking about Grandma?
Lorelai: I'm just thinking.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: Hey, Mom.
Emily: What are you doing here?
Lorelai: Oh, nothing much. I had a little time before my business class, and I thought: "Hey, why don't I go over to Mom's house and just hang?"
Emily: Just what?
Lorelai: Just hang. You know, hang out, talk, don't talk, whatever. Just hang.
Emily: Oh.
Lorelai: You're gardening, huh?
Emily: Yes.
Lorelai: Okay, well, don't let me stop you. I'll just sit here and just hang.
Emily: Are you sure you don't need something?
Lorelai: Nope. I'm just here to...
Both: hang.
Emily: Well...
Lorelai: You know, Mom, if there's ever anything you want to talk about with me, you can.
Emily: All right.
Lorelai: Okay. So... [silence]