Season 6, Episode 22 - Aired May 9, 2006
As Lorelai hides from Luke, Emily and Richard try to set Christopher up on a date at Friday night dinner. Rory gets ready to say good bye to Logan as he graduates and leaves for London. Meanwhile, a swarm of troubadours descends on Stars Hollow.
Quote from Lorelai
Rory: Okay, dad, you can take my seat because I have to go legally change my name and transfer to Brown.
Lorelai: Honey, now come on. We have teased you way worse than this before. Remember when you were 10 and thought you discovered U2?
Quote from Emily
Emily: It's so important to find someone who can make you laugh. I was always so envious of Johnny Carson's wives. I just thought these women must do nothing but laugh all the time.
Quote from Lorelai
Christopher: Oh, I'm here now, so let's figure out how to get me out of this.
Lorelai: Out of what?
Christopher: What do you mean, out of what? This is a setup.
Lorelai: So it seems.
Christopher: I can't believe Emily would do this.
Lorelai: You're talking about Emily Dickinson, right? 'Cause Emily Gilmore was made to do this.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: You know what I think is even better than traveling? Time-traveling. Do you think that's possible?
Lynnie: I would have no idea.
Emily: Lorelai, are you having some kind of breakdown?
Richard: You're very quiet, Christopher.
Christopher: Well, I, uh-
Lorelai: Lynnie, as a psychologist, tell me what do you think of The Sopranos?
Lynnie: Actually, I miss Adriana.
Lorelai: Oh, so do I.
Emily: Lorelai!
Lorelai: What? I was serious about that one.
Quote from Rory
Rory: [bad British accent] Hello, governor. Chips?
Logan: I'm sorry. I was looking for my girlfriend.
Rory: Oh, I'm sorry, mate. No girlfriends here. Just us birds and blokes taking the piss out of each other.
Logan: Your accent is terrible, by the way.
Rory: Just go with it, you geezer.
Now we have heard that you're about to fly away to old Blighty, and word 'round the pub has it you're not 'appy about it.
Logan: Well, I'm leaving a couple people I'm pretty fond of and some people I'm a little afraid of, but all in all...
Rory: Well, we're just going to have to change your mind, because London, you see, is a place of fun and musical excitement, the Queen, Hello! Magazine.
Logan: You're gonna break into a chorus of "Chim Chim Cher-ee" any minute, aren you?
Rory: Shush, now. None of that talk. Because tomorrow, brilliant things will happen. A new life, a new adventure. You like adventure, don't you, mate? Well, London is certainly the place for that, and we, frankly, would not be the fine chaps we claim to be if we did not send you off in a proper way with the bash of a lifetime! Come on. Someone get this chap a pint. See, if you can't be happy, at least you can be drunk.
Logan: Kiss me, Mary Poppins.
Rory: I thought it was more Gwyneth Paltrow, Shakespeare in Love. Kiss me.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: Let's elope.
Luke: What?
Lorelai: Come on, Luke. Grab your keys. Let's go.
Luke: Elope?
Lorelai: You said that would be fine at Martha's vineyard. Didn't you say that would be fine at Martha's vineyard?
Luke: Yes, I did. I'm just-
Lorelai: Come on, then! Let's go! We can drive to Maryland. What the hell, right? I mean, you have to see Maryland eventually.
Quote from Lorelai
Luke: I didn't know you talked to Anna. You weren't supposed to talk to Anna.
Lorelai: I know. I'm sor-- God, no! I'm not gonna defend myself! For months now, I've been skulking around not saying anything, not having an opinion on anything, like I'm Clarence Thomas or something, and I... I'm done with that.
Quote from Rory
Rory: Oh, that's another good one.
Logan: No, it's not.
Rory: Hold it.
Logan: Yo, Alfred Stieglitz, stop with the pictures.
Rory: I prefer Cartier-Bresson.
Quote from Rory
Rory: Oh-ho. I have outdone myself photographically. Every one of these is a keeper.
Logan: Okay, that's a close-up of my naked butt. That's not a keeper.
Rory: You're right. That's a screen saver.
Quote from Luke
Taylor Doose: Is everyone seeing what's going on out here? Lucas, have you eyeballed the chicanery that's taking place outside?
Luke: What? Eyed what?
Taylor Doose: Balled. Eyeballed these hooligans!
Luke: How interested do I look in talking to you, Taylor?
Taylor Doose: Not very.
Luke: And this is the very peak of my interest.